Looking for the perfect name for your new French male dog? We've got you covered with this list of 248 French male dog names from A to Z.
From classic names like Antoine and Jean to more unique choices like Zacharie and Zéphyr, we have options to suit every taste.
Whether you want a name that reflects French culture or simply sounds elegant and sophisticated, these names are sure to make your furry friend stand out. So, take your pick and give your dog a name that's as charming as he is!
French male dog names from a to z letter
- Abel
- Abi
- Ace
- Achille
- Adamson
- Adrein
- Alain
- Albert
- Alfonse
- Alfrid
- Alvin
- Andre
- Antoine
- Anton
- Arman
- Armel
- Arsene
- Arthur
- Astin
- Auger
- Avery
- Barden
- Bardot
- Barnette
- Basile
- Bastien
- Beaumont
- Beldan
- Belot
- Benedict
- Benjamin
- Benjie
- Bensen
- Bernard
- Briant
- Cain
- Carvel
- Charles
- Chauncey
- Chevy
- Claude
- Clement
- Clovis
- Cloyd
- Corbin
- Corin
- Cornett
- Cosme
- Damien
- Daryl
- Dash
- Daz
- Del
- Delroy
- Demont
- Denis
- Dennes
- Dion
- Dru
- Eddie
- Edmond
- Elliot
- Eloi
- Elois
- Emile
- Emmanuel
- Erec
- Erik
- Erwan
- Esme
- Ethan
- Eudes
- Eudo
- Eudon
- Eugene
- Everard
- Fabien
- Felix
- Fernand
- Florent
- Forest
- Franc
- Francois
- Fraser
- Gael
- Gais
- Galant
- Garen
- Gaston
- Gerald
- Gerard
- Germain
- Gifferd
- Gilbert
- Gill
- Gilles
- Gosse
- Gul
- Gustave
- Gustavo
- Guy
- Hamblin
- Hamlin
- Hardien
- Harland
- Harvey
- Henri
- Herve
- Horace
- Hubert
- Hugo
- Ignace
- Ilbert
- Ives
- Ivon
- Jacques
- James
- Jean
- Jori
- Joshua
- Josse
- Jovan
- Jules
- Julien
- Karel
- Karlis
- Kota
- Lafayette
- Lamar
- Landis
- Landy
- Lanny
- Laurent
- Lazare
- Leo
- Leon
- Leonard
- Leron
- Leroy
- Lewes
- Liam
- Lionel
- Lonell
- Louie
- Louis
- Loup
- Luc
- Lucas
- Lucien
- Marc
- Marcel
- Marin
- Marquis
- Marrok
- Marshall
- Martin
- Matheo
- Mathias
- Mathieu
- Mathis
- Maurice
- Maurin
- Maxime
- Maximilien
- Michel
- Michon
- Milot
- Milun
- Montel
- Mort
- Mory
- Nathanael
- Nel
- Nichol
- Nicolas
- Noa
- Noe
- Noel
- Noham
- Norbert
- Norris
- Oates
- Oda
- Olivier
- Orleans
- Ormondo
- Orrie
- Orval
- Paget
- Parke
- Pascal
- Patrice
- Patrik
- Pepin
- Perceval
- Percy
- Perkins
- Perrin
- Philbert
- Pierre
- Pons
- Porter
- Pryor
- Purvis
- Quentin
- Quint
- Rabbie
- Raimond
- Raphael
- Raulf
- Regis
- Rema
- Remi
- Renard
- Rene
- Reynold
- Richard
- Riche
- Robert
- Rodel
- Rodolph
- Roland
- Roul
- Rousel
- Ruff
- Salomon
- Savon
- Sebastien
- Serge
- Simon
- Stuart
- Sylvan
- Teddie
- Theo
- Thoreau
- Timeo
- Travis
- Tre
- Tristan
- Troy
- Ulysse
- Urbain
- Valentin
- Varden
- Wyatt
- Younes
- Yves
- Zacharie